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Newspaper Archive of
Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 5, 1980     Dayton Tribune
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June 5, 1980
Newspaper Archive of Dayton Tribune produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i S Am,d C0fl0N COUNC]L OF THE CITY OF DAYTON ,w.m June 23 1980 ;3_0p.m. Dayton City Hall 1W,w.m,Gtz,wd,bu,t fort4f+--&apos;-mrlmm,luixZ, Z#-JQ-+wmm, m,LkyO City of Dayton __ Budt CaWJm, itae. A mamr d Ibe  g lllmmMd hm. A L, d tim   I,"     W d==qwm Dpyt, qn C..Y H#ll. I,,,w-d 9:00 , 4:00 . r*.di.t,,...*..w..d,..,,q {3  I'--I .ti,*..**,..d= ....... Yam.hill .... Dayton June 5. 1930 Arthur J. Johnson FINANCIAL SUMMARY I )u,<mmm'm ToC,-, .......................................................... ,^ .__,. ,.,., P v,+Ni+ Tod IP.olty "r R,mmil ,o *---.. B,adt .......... I'OT&L/I11ClPA1"IgO • a, mc^a-  ,T,,,,  .......... TAX 12VY FI K-tl I'BIr Ti* N w Bo Ram4 ........ TOTAL  TAX I,¢Y Ly WimaTu B, ....................................................... TAX PART%AIy FUNDED BY I'ATE OF OREGON TAX TOTA/LY FUND BY LOCAL TAXPAIgIS O.Ymr Slmd It Oulll Tlut m,,,- ........................ Sin-tad l.rm TOTAL  TAX TO I PAJrI'IAIJ.Y IPUIDID fly I*ATI OF OIUGON ................................. Oa-Y*r StUd l,s Omld T Bl ........................ 'II'AL MPIIirI TAX 'l M TOTALLY BY L(.,AI, TAA ........................ .. ..... 109,673. 7 ,, 1,065. 700. 126.601. 1. 399.490. ]_2q3 qSR 9941, 1. 399.499, 05 _¢]41, • c': Of , 104,741. 2 ,2G3. L215. 21,735. 96,735. 35,203. 40.100. Z7.456. 317.494. 272X4. 4:610. 317.494. 44.610. 5.500. 50.110. 52,45. 74.243. 11] womm  0 t,mt 0 Bmm:m mmt.mmri W ........ lqt/IMJUl TAIMJt llll£OW ONLY  OOlllqJrl1 36 .DO0. 444.0DO. 'I'OTAL &/DEllllNl8 ......... 336,000. 444,000. GENERAL , P1nmo Totad P,tl Sm-vi (lattwll all 1P,oll Cm) ................ B, 914. 1 O, 393. 11, ;'91]. Tol All O*.r IC *jwI B*q .................... 3B275. 18.347. 21.800. T Z,,,, ,d ui,, .................................... 90.870. 76.655. 83.298. TollJ ] E+ep P Tlmm ................................... 1.047. 53.973. 59.015. proof ty Tax l€lrl to Badlm ........................................ ( '<'. 22.682_ 24.2fl3. F.armttdProp*rtyTmumNottolR*m*ivl .........................  \\;.   ,+,- ..... d fPl. aPIOR_ t, witl Tu  ............................................................... %\\;\,<%",;,' 26.682. 28-283. For Iyawmt of Bo,dd  ........................................... L<:. : . ,,O Te4l Persomd ew (hlu4l Idl PIproll Col) ................ t+ritl ml .rviq ..................................................... Tot*1.4,11 Other Expsndiu.nm nd lquirwnUs .................... Total Expenditttr and Requimn .................................... Total R:'e*  Plqp"ty Tlum ...................................  " "rty Txu P.eiv*d ........................................................... " U r ly T./qmrl t llm,n ........................................ Toutl Prort T+x  .......................................................... Stal ad Cotinuill Lvi (OlXtt Ssnal lvae (Crustal Co.a)tr-t ta) ...................................... Levy For Plant of  13eht ....................................... Total Mttd  )r'vaoN .................................................... TolaJ Ctpitl Outlmy .............................................................. Total ,MI Other Ex'Mir and lKlUame ................... Total P+x'ndtm- and Rqurernt* ................................ DEBT SERVICE . .I, , 40.1.. 33=19- 49.1-%fi_ 33_8lq_ + i i] . 21.928. i:i!i! ii: ,. ....... LSO0 .... • 23.428.  23.428. 59.801. 59.801. 10.143. 49.658. 2.8OO. 5258. 52.458. P0UCE ...... IS, 367. 14,962. 34,600, 4 8,318. I 10,670. 11.400. 3 .ODD. 23.949. J 0:532. I 49.00D. I 30.532_ 27. f'g _ T.m)  Except Pa-olrsy Taxm* ................................. 28 - 126. Property Tutes Received ....................................................... Property Taxe* Rcl rd to B**htm:e lrnatl Property Ttx Not to b* Rm:*i vl Toutl Prolrty Tax Levy ....................................................... r  Wi¢ Taa  ............ Or YmLr Slmll  Outmd+ I"  .......... nal amd Concmrql lves OllatilN ) ............................... Send Le'n et+ +Capitj Commta') ............. Le+ey For Payment o/Bonded  ........................................ FUNI) NOT REQUIRING Tot,' Perton" Ser/ic©s 0nclud¢l all Payroll Cost=) • . . Total Itriall ind Services ................ Tot" Captt" Outlay .................... Total All Other Expendatures and Requiewnts ..... • ot" Expeodltufcs tnd Rcquirennti ........... Tot" Resources ....................... Tot" l%n+on" Scrvce* (Inclul II Pyroll Colt W . . 1 Tot" Materi's and Services Tot" CIpit" Outlly .................... Total ALl OOr £xp, niture s nd Rq:qultc.wllz ..... Tot" Epxz(tures and R¢{|ulRmnt ........... Total Isoutcez ....................... -- Tot" Ptrsona] Services (Includes all Iyrotl Costs) • , . Total Materm|s and Srvls rot,, ¢+," o+,+ .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tolal All Othe Exnditu+¢t and Rquffemcnts ..... Tolil Ex!dltunes rand Iqu.emtntl ........... Total Reso+¢mi ....................... 22 .OOO, 2.000. 24.000. A PROPERTY fAX fO BE LEVIED WATER FUND ACTUAL DATA ] ADOPTED BUDGET APPROV[D BUDGET .AST YEAR 78TgITH+S YEAR Zg+C NEXT YEAR 80-".1 Z1 7:Z / z6 z,i - 29.8; ...... 3 692. ---1--- 000 ....... • .......... ----+0 z++.+5o + r,7_623. I 50,000. 293.650. .................... SEWER FtJND ACTU'AL DATA ADOPTED 8U +ET + APPROVED BUD(;£T 78.576. 74 .go0 571.709. STREET FUND CTUAL DATA l ADOP1L=O BuonET APPROVEG BUDGET AST YEAR 7eL.?{ THIS ER ** ____._J ..... 13., ........ 12. o9_ ..... ___.%92d__ ____d,.00 ........ +4.00.0_ ...... I + an tt I 36.0C. 62.750. .......... R£VEIU SItARIttG FUND I ACTUAL, DATA I ADOPTED II.JG(3E i APPROVED B)4G ,o,., +," o+,+ ...... ........ :___ : _ :___<+ Total All Ohe+ EXl.htu,, m)d Re, ,,.¢,, $ " " - -'-- Toud Resources ..................... I ) 4 .'lq. J 1 = r,P+R J 21_300_ ...... SEWER O[J - FUND I ACTUAL IT, ADO?TED B G APPBOVEO BRG To,,, .,,o.," Se.,., l,,+l.,., +,oll c.,,), p..T ..... _-, ......... _b ............ Toa/ Mzl¢ffids And Services P-- Tot" Capit" Outlay . . ' ......... . ] 18 ,  .................................. Total All Other " ................. EXn4tures and Requirtwnl. I' ........................ -15--I'-000-" ...... Tot" Rsouzce .... 151+000. Total ltmtl Services (Im:lud+, Tot," Mat¢lJlt lJd Serv'ices RlyloU QEti) . . , Tot" CsPd Otlty . , " ............... TOII plntura$ lind Rcql4iiementi Total 1 t ....................... ........ SIP, EFT_ BONO FUNI) C1UA DATA ADOPTED BUDGET A*ROVED BIG" LAST YEAR+---- THiS YAR ..... NEXT YEARJT,L ........................... __+12o_o ...... 125.000. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1980 --THE DAYTON TRIBUNE -- DAYTON, OREGON -- PAGE 3 Public Forum... To the Editor: On Monday, May 19, a helicopter owned by Evergreen Helicopters, Inc., of McMinnville was attacked by vandals who cut electrical wires, smashed instrument panels, and painted "ban spraying" slogans on the windshield. The helicopter was parked near Toledo, for use by Ever- green in its forest management spraying contracts with the U.S. Forest Service. The vandals also shot out the fires of an Evergreen tanker truck, smashed the radiator and in- terior with an ax and poured sugar into the fueld system and crank case. On Wednesday, May 21, vandals broke into a locked storage building near Myrtle Point and poured 800 gallons of the herbicides Tordon K and 2,4-D onto the ground. The chemical was owned by Reforesta- tion Services, Inc., of Salem, for use in its spraying contracts with the Bureau of Land Management. Ap- proximately one week earlier an anonymous phone call was placed to the BLM office in Coos Bay, warning that planned spraying in the Myrtle Point area should be monitored closely because it would be made "extremely hazardous for the pi- lots." The persons responsible for these crimes apparently feel that their opposition to the use of herbicides can best be demonstrated by illegal scare tactics and by risking the lives of pilots and persons on the ground by vandalizing aircraft. We trust the danger of such acts is evident to aldl responsible people, whether they are opponents or proponents of contin- ued herbicide use by farmers, for- esters and homeowners in this state. Norman S. Parker Secretary-Treasurer Oregon Agricultural Aviation Assn. P.O. Box 369 Newberg, Oregon 97132 503/538-9469 Hopewell SDA Church News Elvan Keightley, local elder, spoke on "A Holy War", May 31 at church hour. Special music was given by Chuck Keightley and daughter Janet. Sabbath School highlights: Harriett Leigh acting supt. Progress report: Jeannie Piet- rock, special music by visitor David Sheldon. Mission Spotlight pictures and script by Jim Jedel. 00H6m, + INSULATION PERSONAL ATTENTION TOP QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Older Homes A 'Specialty' Ref. -- Free Estimates- 538-4144 FRED'S REPAIR SHOP 8:30-5 MONDAY-FRIDAY Auto & machinery repair, tune up, ele¢lrical, brakes, engine rebuilding, steam cleaning, saw filing, or what have you. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Call 864-3368 for appointment BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation June 7. Associated M.V. 4:30 June 7 (CPR) class was held June 1 at 6:30 at McMinnville Church. Evan Dan- pm in Junior Room with 14 present ieison will be the speaker. to take the class taught by Sharon Esperson and her husband Ron. Mrs. Roger Van Santen spoke at our Dorcas 10 am Wednesday June 4 in the Junior Room on "Disaster Preparedness". The Newberg Dor- cas leaders came and we had potluck lunch together. Everyone was wel- come. Coming events: prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Dorcas 10-3 pm. Wednesday-Friday evening Bible Study 7:30 pm in Junior Room. Pastor Dalles Dull speaker at church .2:.'.'2C2C_%-2_'€2_Z2_C2:CC2C22C. THE DAYTON TRIBUNE Printed Weekly at 3rd & Ferry, Dayton, Oregon 97114 Subscription -- $3.50 per year Send to P. O. Box 68, Dayton, Oregon 97114 2nd Class Postage Paid At Dayton, Oregon 97114 SALE -- June 6, 7 & 8, Friday thru Sunday, as Quantities Last [Look for Monday-Thurz. ad in your weekend shopping bag] Oriental-Style, Beef or Chicken Flavor, 3-oz. packages Special Top Ramen Noodles 2/55c Cream Style or Whole Kernel 16-oz. cans Diamond A Corn .... 2/66c 6V2-oz. cans Reg. $1.g5 each Snow's Minced Clams ..... 75c Season or with Sesame 8 & 81h-oz. boxes Rye Krisp ........ each 69c 16-oz. cans Reg. 63c each Sweet May Fruit Coc00ail 49c Assorted, 12-oz. packages Reg. $1.10 each Sunshine Sugar Wafers .... 95c Extra Large, 6-oz. cans Reg. 99c each Oberti Pitted Ripe Olives 75c [Graham-Cracker], 6-oz. net, plus free t;o Reg. 85c each Johnson's Ready-Crust .... 75c Hi Dri White Bathroom 4-pack, Regular 99c Tissue .... First two 75c each 8-inch, frozen, 26-oz. each Reg. $1.69 Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie .. $1.35 Kubla Khan Frozen 11-oz. box, Reg. 85c each Pork Chow Mein ........ 59c 8-oz. jars Reg. 57c each French's Squeeze Mustard. 49c PORK Liver... lb. 29c Pork Spareribs ..... lb. 89c Large Tomatoes .... lb. 49c DIRECTORY I[0r'ii"MCKimieY]IPEO]PLE'S°pT°METRIST , _ MAIIKET I_ | Nex.rg. Oregon | I Lmses. Frames Pu/cd |I OPEN 9 am-, P:::::::YS & SUNDAY L 602 Firm' Streee Ph. JE 8+2460