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Newspaper Archive of
Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 5, 1980     Dayton Tribune
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June 5, 1980
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PAGE 4 -- THE DAYTON TRIBUNE -- DAYTON, OREGON -- THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1980 Public Notice beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Room 32, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Yamhill will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 1, 1980, County Courthouse, McMinnville, Oregon to consider the following: Docket: V-96-80 Request: A variance to the h,!ni- mum setback requirements of 30 feet on a 1.5 acre parcel in an area designated "Light In- dustrial" on the Comprehen- sire Plan map and presently Ltd. zoned "LI". For additional information, please Location: Approximately 1.5 miles contact the County Department of Northeast of the City of Dayton, Planning and Development, Room South of Highway 99W and 17, Courthouse, McMinnville, Ore- West of Highway 18 in the gon, (472-9371, ext. 201). SW1/4 of Section 9, T4S-R3W, Dated at McMinnville, OR. May Tax Lot 4309-1100. 27, 1980. Applicant: Landmark Ventures OR Dave Bishop ,,, iiii ,,,,, ........ " III IIII [ " WHO'S WHO IN OUR SHOPPING AREA |f You Cannot Find lt ln [)ayton, These Convenient * 1980! Business Houses Will Be Pleased To Serve You IIII II IUI TOWN CENTER 1291 NORTH HWY 99W I III II IIIIIIII II I I I I ORGAN PIANO FARFISA, KIMBALL AND KAWAI ORGANS K AWAI. KIMBALL, KOHLER AND CAMPBELL QUALITY PIANOS 472-6693 NORTH VALLEY DENTURE CENTER Denture Savings Dentures Repairs RIIINI Full Set $15B0 145.M $J5.00 Each SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK 613 E. First Newberg 538-9330 Planning Director For Sale For sale: picnic tables. Large, medium and small ones for chil- dren. Lawn chairs on order. 1015 Church St. 21rtsc For sale: 60x120' lot, water and sew- er hookups paid, zoned MFR, Day- ton area, Mac's Realty, 538-7338, 538-2884, Newberg. 24,25c Help Wanted - " ii ,,,,,, I II I - i i iii ALLENS D E N T S - • &- ,:-':" AUTOMOTIVE i-J 502 E. Fi,ct St.. Hewberg 'W -'.':-" : I I Phone 538 2079 Weofterskilled,depengiblesorviceyountmet, onbothimporo'Id  ,l i American Ultl Zl tight trucks \\; '] • ]-',z; t!',' t;ift RT. 2, BOX 140 McMINNVILLE, OR. ', \\; / • t),"f:c [q IH' BUNNS VILLAGE SQUARE a72-1386 -- )/ 0PEN 7amto5pm PICK Up AND 0ELIVERY AVAILABLE RY APPOINTMENT {/ • l{:]i; J..k ('3.r(]S BRING THIS AO FOR10% DISCOUNT ON PARTS AND LABOR " m ,, i i, ,, | j i i H  ?k''' j BUNN'S VILLAGE SQbARE = - ._. ;- -00Mufflee Shop WICKER &RATTAN \\;- . FURNITURE "..j L,ght,ng - Bath Boul,que  l Complete Exhaust Systems w,cke, Part,es- ,,almll h : ,ji., Ht,AcJe.. hock,) Decoralmg 10eas ' ,mml ::to,'k M)flers 316 N. Johnson, Fit Keith Branson, Owner off 3rd & Leleyelte M, '. ,, ,   i' ..... ::2 la McMInnville Ph. 472-4777 ,i ,  I GOLDBAR L ;= £',: " [ Fine JeweIry -- Engraving -- Ear Percing Diamonds --. Walcl & Jewelry Repair TqWN CENTER 99W 1301N Hwy 99W Lynn's For Men Small Enough To Know You Large Enough to Serve You Haggar Stacks, Levi's, Enro Shrts Pacific Trail Jackets, Farrah Stacks 3t5 3rd St, McMinnville ono :.47 472-6717 .,,,Till 9 pm Fridays B,00"s PHo00/o S - Creatit'e Photography by BRYAN JOYCE SENIORS " AMILIES • WEDDINGS • COMMER(IAL RESTORATION " QUALITY FILM PROCESSIRrPPLIE$ "DO IT ’©' RSELF!" IN OUR RENTAL DARKROOMS 510 E. Ftrt, Newberg 53-201§ Bring this ad for $5.00 discount on senior or family portrait sitting!* Cell 538.2015 for more Into. i ii ill in l Ii mlml m,,m n I i iiiiiii _ MACHINERY Let us help s0we your term math.cry prsblams" Dunflzm -- Leiy -- Hmom0t0 -- Melton Hwy 99W McMinnville Ph. 472-9453 m IT'S SKI TIME WE HAVE ALL YOUR SKI NEEDS FROM HEAD TO TOE. Mac Rental Ski Shop 2800 Lafayettn Ave. 472-6223 McMqnyille Lon Dee Flowers r Phone 472.2123 Rowers Wth Sentiment 103 South Baker McMinnville, Oregon ,ul - j ,/ ': an.qv ?;, SHERWOOD PLA2A t 6 CORNERS 625-62 t 1 Appliance Center WASERS -- DRYERS- FREEZERS -- REFRIGERATORS -- DISHWASHERS 'All the brands (hat you know and trust"== SALES SERVICE 315 E. 1st, Newberg $38-3613 NA TURA L FOODS "Our area's most complele health and natural fod center"! 501 E. FIRST NEWBERG i i ii ii i iiii NEWBERG FIREPLACE CENTER EARTH STOVE FISHER 0RLEY ARROW ALL NIGHTER 311 E. First Newlo4rg 538-8376  MAC f MARINE JOHNSON OUTBOARDS OMC STERN DRIVE SALES & SERVICE LOWE-LINE BOATS 'OU'LL LIKE OUR SERVICE" HI. 2, Box 135, N. Hwy 99W McMinnvllle Ph. 472-5020 i i I POULAN ALPINA CHAIN SAWS CHIPS BICYCLES (Formerly G&N Motorcycles KER0SUNPORTABLE HEATERS restart! Copy Serwce SALES 99W Scholls Rd. -- Sherwood YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT "OUR AREAS CHILOREN'S [;ENTER" .' :. F. ,," " "See Us For Spring Clothes 1980" Lovl -- Her MlleSty -- Carter -- HINllII-TIx 317 Third Ph, 472-5511 McMlnnville G/ann & 8etty Vorres Home Ph. M3-301B -- Contemporary Fash ions - -- Pushbottoms --Collage --Happy Legs -- MoIIsse Lane HOURS Mon -Sot 10-6 Open Mon & Frl. nl0ht| till 9:06 p.. I I II IIIIIII I HUNTING & FISHING EQUIPMENT Puch Mopeds -- elevel SERVIL, E Ph. 625-7842 OUR NEW LOCATION!! u ED'S BOOT & SADDLERY Lades. Men s & Childrens Weslern Wear Saddles and Tack -- Horse Traeler$ Saddle and Tack Repair Duane & Willie 3100 N. ggw Schumecher MeMInnvllle AMOTOR- IS Year Warrontlee Available thru 5 HPJ LIVING WATER PUMPS -- MOTORS -- IRnlGATION SALES -- SERVICE tOUR WATER PRORLEMs -- OUR SPECIALTYII Ph. 639-0202 Pacific Hwy. ...... Tlgard Strawberry pickers wanted. Bus from Dayton, Lafayette and weigh station. Sign up now. Call Kay Shelburne 868-7342, Rt. 1, Box 74A, Dayton. Sign up to pick broccoli in July and August. 24-2bc Strawberry pickers wanted. Good Olympus berries. Located at Hot: well. Janzen Bros. Please call 8 u 7353. 24-26p Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Miscellaneous NOT,CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Lafa\\;'ctte Gun hop now open'. City of Dayton will hold a public - hearing on the 16th day of June, R.pairs to any un. ()pen 6-8 1980, at the hour of 7:30.m., in Wed. lhru Fri. I0-5 Sa. 255 51h. the Dayton City Hall, Dayton, Ore- [.afavcuc. 804-2978. 39rtc gon, to consider proposed amend- -- .......... ments to the Zoning Ordinance, Piano lessons for beginners and in- Ordinance No. 360. The proposed amendments will I termediate, training in classical affect fence height and placement, music. Susan Paz 864-2983. |9-24p clear vision areas, fees and defini- tions. The proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 360 may be adopted U C 's by legislative action of the Dayton ean ornett City Council. The public is hereby invited to appear and be heard on Kepazr such proposed amendments or to submit any such testimony in writ- ing prior to the time of such hear- ((lTS, "-[TLLC[OT5 LIFI(t ing for inclusion in the record. Fmm M.chinc'T’ For additional information please contact the Dayton City Hall, 416 Ferry Street, Dayton, Oregon (864- .'Ai] t'llt'l;]H,I ih ;H' I,i]hq Dated at Dayton, Oregon, June 400 OAK STREET Dayton 5, 1980. Janice Church, Recorder l'h,uc '4-   ( E\\;c. (4-2104 City of Dayton WEEKEND SPECIALS THISAD GOOD FOR FRI. & SAT., JUNE 6& 7, 1900 LARGE -- SWEET LB. Navel Oranges ........ 19c Ruby Red Grapefruit .......... 10/1.00 15 oz. Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce 6-Pac, 16-oz. Coke-Tab-Sprite 24 oz. ........ 56c Reg. $2.39 -- plus deposit ........ $1.25 Del Monte Catsup ......... 60c Big 31-oz. KooI-Aid $1 74 • • • • • • • * • • • • • • m 16 oz. Del Monte New Potatoes 3/$1.00 15 oz. Hunt's Tomato Sauce ....... 3/$1.00 21-oz. SAVE 25c B/M Baked Beans ....... 57c 3 oz. Top Ramen Noodles ... 4/1.00 NABISCO 15 oz. " 0reo or Double Stuff 15 oz. Pheasant Cat or Dog Food ..... 4-Roll Pac Cornet .... 95c 6/$1.00 Toilet Tissue ........... 89c I ) t ( ! ( I I I ]