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Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 18, 1970     Dayton Tribune
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June 18, 1970
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l THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 -- THE DAYTON TRIBUNE, DAYTON, OREGON ~ PAGE $ i, /' [ Notice of Lafayette City Budget Hearing The budget for City of Lafayette for the fiscal year 1970-1971, beginning July 1, 1970, as detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior years. Major changes, if any, and their effects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the .budget document may be inspected bY interested persons between the hours of 1:30 and 5:00 p.m. at Recorders Office. The budget document, or any portion of it, may be obtained for $2.50 complete, or $.10 per sheet at Recorders Office. A meeting of the City Council will be held at June 29, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. at Council Chambers City Hall, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. Robert E. Vaught, Mayor Yamhill County FINANCIAL SUMMARY For the Ensuing Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1970 Total General Bonded All Funds Fund Debt TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Fund Total Budget Requirements 101,975 19,932 12,599 Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 90,559 [15,318 12,599 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 10,516 4,614 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year 650 500 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 11,166 5,114 Fire Dept. 4,619 3,633 986 150 1,136 Water Water StreetI Tax Sewer Fund Imp. Res. Fund Street~ Funds Fund Fund 19,154 10,990 5,259 9,439 19,083 19 154 6,074 5,259 9,439 19,083 4,916 4,916 Analysis of Taxes to Be Levied Within 6% Limitation 5~114 5,[114 Not Subject to 6% Limitation 6,052 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 1~1,166 5,114 1,136 4,916 1,136 4,916 For the Current Fisoal Year Beginning July 1, 1969 Total Budget Requirements Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Bu4get Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year TOTAL TAXES TO BE LlgVIED Total General All Funds Fund 73,010 Et7,400 67,765 13,075 5,245 4,325 650 5OO 5,895 4,825 Bonded Fire Water Street Sewer Debt Fund Dept. Fund ' Funds Fund 12,882 3,670 11,890 12,605 ,14,563 12,882 2,750 11,890 12,605 14,563 920 150 1,070 Analysis of Taxes To Be Levied Within 6% Limitation Not Subject to 6% Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 4,825 4,825 1,070 5,895 4,825 1,070 1,970 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding July 1 Current Year Ensuing Year (Actual) (Estimated) Sewer 67,000 64,000 Bonds Street 23,000 21,000 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS 90,000 85,000 REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND ALL DEPTS, SUMMARY Historical Data Actual Budget 2rid Pre-1st Pre- Current ceding ceding Year Year Year 1,798 3,603 3,830 1,608 1,731 1,355 596 531 750 1,190 899 400 5,1,92 6,764 6,335 694 713 1,320 179 350 2,050 2,000 694 892 ,5,720 423 400 430 540 2,979 3,076 4,375 9,288 11,132 17,400 3,000 2,776 555 3,331 6,331 543 610 438 1,591 4,377 2,935 3,000 2,000 5,000 2,813 [1,065 3,878 Administrative Dept. Personal Services Material & Services 5,647 12,959 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved 4,109 Operating Materials & Supplies 1,803 Contractual Services 875 Capital Outlay Reorganizing Ordinances 650 Total Administrative Dept. 7,437 Police Dept. Personal Services 1,720 Materials & Services 350 Contracted Services 50 Capital Outlay Police Car 2,000 Total Police Dept. Requirements 4,120 Transfer to Fire Dept. 600 Operating Contingencies 2,673 Other General Fund Requirements 5,102 Total Requirements 19,932 PETTY CASH Current Year Ensuing Year (Actual) (Estimated) Balance, July 1, 1970 75.00 75.05 Notice of Approval By Budget Committee Approved by Budget Committee June 2, 1970 Paul Stephenson Chairman of Budget Committee WATER RESERVE FUND SUMMARY I~ESOURCES: Beginning Fund Balance: 1,500 Transferred From Other Funds 4,500 Interest 74 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 6,074 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 4,916 TOTAL RESOURCES '10,990 REQUIREMENTS: Reserved For Expenditure In Future Years 10,990 TOTAqL REQUIREMENTS 10,990 BONDED DEBT REQUIREMENTS STREET & SEWER FUND Bond Principal to ~e Paid During Ensuing Year: 3,000 Issue Dated 7-1~1963 Sewage 3,000 2,000 Issue Dated 10-1-1967 2,000 5,000 TOTAL PRINCIPAL TO BE PAID 5,000 Bond Interest to Be Paid During Ensuing Year: ' 2,624 Issue Dated 7-1~1963 Sewage 2,5R4 975 Issue Dated 10-1-1967 Street885 3,599 TOTAL INTEREST TO BE PAID 3,399 Unappropriated Balance--For Payments Due In Second Ensuing Year: 3,000 Principal--Issue Dated 7-1-1963 Sewage 3,000 1,283 Interest--Issue Dated 7-1-1963 Sewage 1200 4,283 Total Unappropriated Balance 4,200 9,907 Sewage 9,714 8,878 2,975 Street 2,885 12,882 12,599 1,809 21,336 23,145 STREET FUND REQUIREMENTS 1,549 3,055 Materials & Services 3,300 2,704 715 Capital Outlay 959 500 Operating Contingencies 1,000 4,253 4,270 Total Street Fund Req. 5,259 STATE TAX STREET FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 3,497 2,935 3,760 Personal Services: 4,689 600 Materials and Services: 600 3,400 Capital Outlay: 3,400 575 Operatirrg Contingencies 750 555 3,065 2,975 Transferred to Other Funds Bond Debt Fund 2,885 4,052 6,000 11,310 Total Requirements 12,324 SEWER FUND REQUIREMENTS 6,221 4,464 5,450 1,395 2,093 2,070 2,869 9,213 6,000 1,043 5,776 5,8114 9,907 16,26~ 21,584 24,470 Personal Services 6,314 IMaterials ~ & Services 2,230 Capital Outlay Equipment 298 New Const. 9,000 Total Capital Outlay 9,298 Operating Contingencies 2,24J1 Bonded Debt Fund 9,71 4 Total Requirements 28,797 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES 6,866 939 1,685 4,198 13,688 5,915 5,700 Available Cash on Hand 5,811 1,055 900 Previously Levie~l Taxes Estimated to Be Received During Ensuing Year 900 OTHER RESOURCES 2,004 1,985 Local Sources 2,~10 4,332 4,490 State Agencies 6,497 13,306 13,075 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied i5,318 4,325 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 4,614 3,188 3,424 Taxes Collected In Year Levied 16,876 16,730 17,400 Total Resources 19,932 FIRE DEPT. FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 481 525 Personal Services 725 Materials and Services: 632 1,405 Operating Materials and Supplies 1,002 180 875 Total Capital Outlay 1980 865 Operating Contingencies 912 '1,293 Total Expenditures 3,670 TOTAL REQUIRENrENTS 4,6~19 WATER FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 4,424 5,450 Personal Services 6,254 MATERIA~ ~ AND SERVICES: 1,644 2,610 Operating Materials and Supplies 3,135 100 Contractual Services 100 3,860 3,230 CAPrrAL O~Y: 3,433 Transferred to Other Funds: Water Imp. Reserve 4,500 500 Operating Contingencies 1732 9,928 11,890 Total Requirements 19~154 5,776 555 6,331 1,870 235 81 435 2,609 842 3,451 BONDED DEBT FUND RESOURCES OTI~ER RESOURCES 5,813 9,907 TRANSFER FROM SEWER FUND 9,714 3,065 2,975 Transfer from St. Tax St. Fund 2,885 8,878 12,882 TOTA~ RESOURCES 12,559 FIRE DEPT. FUND RESOURCES 1,879 2,035 Availatble Cash on Hand 2,400 266 200 Previously Levied Taxes. Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year 200 OTHER RESOURCES Sale of Equipment 400 .97 85 Other Local Sources 33 400 430 Transfer General Fund 6OO 2,642 2,750 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 3,633 920 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 986 910 Taxes Collected in Year Levied 3,552 3,670 Total Resources 4,619 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reeves Of Inglewood, Calif were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and 1W xs. William Callander and vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Callan- der, durir~g their stay. Elizabeth Callander went to the Rose Pa- rade in Portland with them on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W-flUam CaUan- der were hosts at a picnic at their home Sunday, June 14 and those who enjoyed the dinner and Water skiing later in the afternoon were Mrs. Irvin Her- sha and family, RYIr. and Mxs~ Jack Reeves'of Inglewood, Calif Mr. and Mr~ Fenton Galer andl farfiily and Kenny Gaier of Eu- gene. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiesling were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wayne and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roebrt Callander visited Mrs. Minnie Lawrence of the Wglamette Manor in Port- land Sunday afternoo'n. 'Mrs. Lillian Risser, and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Grace Duren enjoyed dinner to- gether, as a farewell to Mrs. Dur- en who left Tuesday, June ,16, for Green Bay, Wisconsin, to visit her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Fleming, making the trip by air. GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Lulu Rockhill accompa- nied her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnet White of Toledo to their home on Sunday, ~or a few days visit. Mrs. Susie Douglas spent Sat- urday and Sunday visiting friends in Salem. USED PIPE & FITTINGS ~" to ~ Diameter I 10e [ 2" -- aM i" . -13c I 1~" 17c I 3" dSe Acoustical Ceiling Tile 10c sq. flL Flourescnt IAte~ 4-ft w/t~ {r/.~o storage cabinets and shelving. Formica Top Receiving Co~ Bricks, 3~c, uncleaned; 6~e clnd Wash Basins w/fxtres $5 to =7.50 Toilets complete $12.00 up Water Pumps from $35.00 up Hot Water Heaters . $10.00 up 3x12 Planks & Timbers $50.00 M No. 2 Dirnen. Lmbr $40 to $55 M lx6 T&G and Shiplap $40-$55 M Drs w/Hardware & Frame $4 up Plate Glass View Wndws 80c sq ft Window Sash, Many sizes 80e up NEW BLDG. SUPPLIES-- Hrdbrd Panels, 4x8xS~" $1.65 sht Chlpboard Pnls, 4xSx~~ $2.25 sht 15-Ib. Bldg. Felt $2.40 roll Roll Roofing 45-Ib 66-|b 90-1b. Black Draln Tlle 24~ lengths -- 2" Dla. 5c ft.---3" 8c ft~" 10c ft. INC. 4952 Portland Rd. Ph. 364-6151 SALEM, OREGON -- Open Saturdays 8:00 to 1:00 ~VVVVVVVVVVVVV~VVVVWV'~