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Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 18, 1970     Dayton Tribune
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June 18, 1970
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PAGE 4 m THE DAYTON TRIBUNE, DAYTON, OREGON ~ THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 : :i ) :i 'ii) UNIONVALE I home, with Mr. and Mrs. F. C.I Mr. and 2Ylrs. J. W. Ediger a~d[Stock,hoff and Gene, Mrs. May farn~y were hosts Sunday, June] Rickey and Mike Tompkins, as 14, to a family picnic at their ] guests. TI-IE DAYTON TRIBUNE It Hat the Coverage In Oregon's "Garden ~eotm PO8T OFFIC~r BOX 68 TELEPHONE !108~864-2810 An Independent Newspaper ]g~f~ed in Published Every Thursday at Dayton, Oregon Second C%~ Postage Paid at Dayton, Oregon 97114 George Meitzen Publisher MEMBER L. PER l~Soclation Founcled1885 CORRESPONDENTS PHONE DaYton City Mrs. Lena Filer, 864-3680 Hopewell, Fairview, Whnatland Mrs. N. O. Pearse, 868-7223 Locks Road Mrs. June Scott, 864-3371 Rev. and Mrs. Walter Rowley were returned to the Hopewell and Unionvale Community Chur- ches for the coming year, at the i conference of the Evangelical Churches of North America in Jennings Lodge June 9412. John Kotka and Mrs. Dan Dixon, dale- ,gates to Conference gave their reports at the evening service at Unionvale Church Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tresham and family were hosts to a potluck dinner for members and friends of the Hopewell Community Church at ther home Sunday aft- ernoon, June 14. The Youth Fe~owship (ff ~he Hopewell Community Church a - tended the Singspiration at Bush Pasture Park in Salem, Sunday evening, with their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and Robert Janzen. SUBSCRIPTION RATE---IN ADVANCE The prayer meeting of the In Oregon, I year :. . $2.00 6 months $1.25 Hopewell .and Unionvale Com- Outside Oregon, U.S 1 year 2.50 6 months 1.50 U.S I year 3.25 6 months 1.75 munity 'Churches was held at ~he IN OWl HOPEWELL COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School 11:10 a.m.--Worship Selwice Evening Service--See Unionvale FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dayton, Oregon Phone 864-2474 Walter H. Wagner, Pastor 9:45 a.m.--Stmday School for all ages 11:00 a.m.--M0rniag Worship 6:30 p.m.--The Baptist Youth Fel. iowship 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship of sermon and song 2-d Tuesday evening- Sunday School teachers meeting. WEDNE3DAY --- 3:30 p.m. Junior choir. 7:30 p.m.--The hour of power Bible Study and Prayer 2nd Thursday the Maranatha So. ciety meets 1st Thursday, family night and fel- lowship. "Set for the defense of the Gos- pel." Phil. 1:17. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Lafayette, Oregon Wilbur Ronald Davis, Pastor 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Church Service 6:45 p.m.--Young Peoples Groups ?:30--Evening Bible Hour WEDNESDAY--7:30 p.m. Prayer UNIONVALE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Walter R. Rowley, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m.--Unified Worship Serv- ice 6:00 p.m.--Gospel Vespers (stan- dard time). HOPEWELL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Pastor Paul Nystrom Phone 864-8652 Sabbath Selwices----Saturday 9: 30--Sabbath School II :00--Worship Service Wednesday 7:~--Prayer Meetin$ PIONEER EVANGELICAL CHURCH Dayton, Oregon Delbert W. Dow, Pastor Phone 864-8388 9:45 a.rn.---Stmday School 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 6:45 p.m.--Youth Fellowship, Ad- ult Fellowship 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship WEDNESDAY: 7:00 p.m.--C~oir Rehearsal. 8:00 p.m.--Prayer & Bible Hour , THURSDAY: 9:30 a.m.~Intereem sory Prayer Meeting 1st Monday: 8:00 p.m. -- EUB Men's Meeting Ist THURSDAY: 7:30 p.m.--Es ther Rice Circle 2nd FRIDAY: 1:30 p.m.--Ramona Circle LAST WEDNESDAY: 6:00 p.m.- Family Night ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH "The Friendly Church" Ray. H. D. Dunlap Phone 864-3502 9:45 a.m.---Sunday School 11!00 a.m.--Morning Worship 6:30 pJn.---C.A. Youth Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic WEDNESDAY, 7:00 ~ -- Pray- er and Bible Study. DAYTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Gerald Carter, Pastor Phone 864-3529 "The Church of the Chimes" 9:40 a.m. -- Teachers Prayer Meeting 9:45' a.m.--Bible School. Class for all ages 11:00 a.m.--Worship Service Nursery provided f o r small children. 7:00 p.m.--Sunday evening serv- ices WEDNESDAY--8:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal. 7:00 p.m.--Bi- ble Study and Prayer Service, Weekly Meetings. 1st TUESDAY--7:30 p.m. Church Board Meeting 2nd THURSDAY--2:00 p.m. Christian Women's Fellowship 7:50 p.m.--Women's Guild Mee~ David Olke home on June ~ and at the N.O. Pearse home on June 18. The Ladies Aid of the Hope- well Community Church held their last meetin.g Wednesday, June 17, until fall. Sunday guests of Mrs. Rebecca McKinley were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Beier of Salem, and Mrs. Virginia Carson and Ronald of Sweet Home. The Hopewell SDA Church sponsored a Vacation B~ble School at their church June 8 to I~I. IMr. and Mrs. Nell Currie re- turned to their home here recent- ly from Hemet, Calif where they spend each winter. Ronald P o 1 v i accompanied Gene Dixon of Portland on a trip by camper to Canada for a week, June 11, following close o~ ~cheir sophomore year at Oregon State University. Mrs. Brian Humphreys and daughter Karen of Salem were Sunday guests of Mrs. Margaret Janzen. Mrs. Esther Polvi, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Polvi and sons of Walla Walla, Wash Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dwyer and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Polvi and Carol, all of Port- land were guests of Mr. and ~Ir~ Harold Charnhom of Salem, at their beach cottage in De ~ake. Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Withee, Marla and David and Mrs. Fred Withee, Sr attended the grad- uation exercises at Oregon Tech- nical Institute in Klamath Falls, Friday, June 12, when Stanley Withee received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Technology. Stanley Withee is now at home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Letts and sons Jeffrey and Gregg Jaenicke of Seattle were Saturday, June 13, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Geisler, and Gre~g remained with his grandparents to assist in the black cap raspberry har- vest. Wednesday, June 17, Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Owens, Mr. and Mrs. John Geisler and Gregg Jaenicke and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clark of Independence went to Diamond Lake for a fishing trip, remain- ing till Saturday. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deedon were Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Dunberg. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Sims and family, all of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hauser and family of Au- rora. Kathy Galer and Kenny Galer of Eugene accompanied their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, ~Lloyd Galer of Dayton on a .trip to Ida- ho, Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa, visiting relatives. They left Monday, June 15. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING FOR CITY OF LAFAYETTE (Continued From Page 3) WATER FUND RESOURCES 2,916 2,233 2,550 Available Cash on Hand 4,179 OTHER RESO~ 8,~11 8,898 8,500 Water Sales 14,000 1,276 1,297 840 Other Local Sources 975 12,703 12,428 11,890Total Resources 19,154 STREET FUND RESOURCES 2,458 6,717 3,050 Available Cash on Hand 4,039 OTHER RESOURCES 2,355 2,049 1,220 Local Sources 1,220 25,092 Bond Sales 29,905 8,766 4,270 Total Resources 5,259 1,267 20 378 7,187 STATE TAX STREET FUND RESOURCES 3,135 4,250 Avaklable Cash on Hand 4,400 7,050 7,060 State Gas Tax Receipts 7,924 35 Interest 6 All Others 10,225 11,~10 Total Resources '12,324 SEWER 19,763 19,188 1'1,800 9,689 10,520 10,400 6,145 5,165 2,270 35,595 34,873 24,470 FUND RESOURCES Beginning Fund Balance: Available Cash on Hand 15,427 OTHER RESOURCES Monthly Collection 1~1,200 Other Local Sources 2,170 Total Resources 28,797 PERSONAL SERVICES Supplemental Information Salaries Paid From More Than One Source No. ofTotal Water State Sewer General Emps. Salary Street Public Works Supt. I 7800 22"10 2210 2210 1170 City Employee 1 6900 1955 1955 1955 1035 Reecorder Treasurer 4500 '1500 '1500 '1500 Police Chief 1500 1500 Totals 20,700 5665 4165 5665 5205 Notice ,of Dayton RFPD Budget Hearing The budget for Dayton Rural Fire Protection Dist. for the fiscal year 1970-197/1, beginning July 1, 1970, as detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis con- sistent with that used in prior years. Major changes, if any, and their elfects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying state- ment. A copy of the budget document may be inspected by interest- ed persons between the hours of 10:00 and 3:00 at U.S. Natl. Bank. The budget document, or any portion of it, may be obtained for $1.00, complete or 50c per sheet at U.S. Natl. Bank. A meeting of the Board of Dir. will be held at June 30, 1970, at 8:00 p,m. at City# Hall, Dayton, Ore for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. CAROL KR,'EDER Chairman of Governing Body) FINANCIAL SUMMARY For The Ensuing Fiscal Year Beginni'ng July 1, 1970 Total General Tax Levy Computation All Funds Fund Total Budget Requirements 13,98500 13,985.00 Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 5,445.00 5,445.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 8,540.00 8,540.00 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 9,540.00 9,540.00 Analysis of Taxes To Be Levied Within 6% Limitation 9,540.00 9,540.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 9,540.00 9,540.00 For The Current Fiscal Year Beginni'ng July 1, 1969 16,829.00 8,829.00 8,000.00 Total Budget Requirements Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year 1,000.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 9,000.00 Notice of Approval By Budget Committee Approved by Budget Committee June 3, 1970. Carl Kreder, Chairman of Budget Committee DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND ' For The Fiscal Year 1970.1971 Beginning July 1, 1970 General Fund Dayton Rural Fire Protection Dist. Yam'hill County Historical Data Budget Actual Budget For 2nd Pre- 1st Pre-Current Ensuing ceding ceding Year Year Year Year Approved 1,837.50 2,032.502,400.00Personal Services 3,200.00 328.32 ' 298.92350.00 State Compensation 350.00 24.02 18.00 50.00 Election Expenses 50.00 317.02 687.'~1 800.00- Truck Repair & Parts 800.00 138.66 141.52 250.00 Gas & Oil 250.00 536.00 756.00 Reserve for Contingencies2,222.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Postage 4.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 Surety bond 14.00 2,000.00 Sinking Fund 311.38 613.98 600.00 Supplies 600.00 904.40 627.00 1;100.00Insurance 1,300.00 339.57 394.02 400.00 Hose 400.00 348.09 350.00 400.00 Radio 400.00 140.00 Audit 200.00 34.84 33.62 35.00 Lights 75.00 138.00 179.77 250.00 Telephone service 250.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Dues 20.00 14.20 25.00 25.00 Fuel Oil 25.00 61.33 53.70 75.00 Printing Budget 75.00 923.64 358.00 1,000.00Add~l. Equipment 500.00 8,300.00.Lease payment--truck 3,000.00 Maintenance 250.00 Total Requirements 13,985.00 GENERAL 2,300.00 2,142.00 800.00 800.00 600.00 2,000.00 100.00 800.00 FUND RESOURCES 5,002.00 Beginning Fund Balance: 3,745.00 1,000.00 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year 1,000.00 OTHER RESOURCES 2,101.00Time Cart of Deposit 26.00 Time Cert of Deposit--Interest 700.00Polk County taxes 700.00 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 5,445.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 8,540.00 Total Resources 13,985.00