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Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 18, 1970     Dayton Tribune
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June 18, 1970
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Mr. and Mrs. Henry DerendoPf drove to Eagle Point Thursday for the graduation of their great- niece, Miss Conr~ie Vidotto. Mr. and Mrs. ,Chad Siebel spent Memorial weekend at Siltcoos " Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conyers and family were visited for five days Iby his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Conyers from Grand Junction, Colorado. They hadn't seen each other for 32 years. They took them over to the coast for their first look at the Pacific Ocean and into the Portland Zoo and they left Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Geonge Hurter left Thursday for a four-day sightseeing trip in Canada. Friday evening Mr. and IMrs. Ray Osman had a fish fry here with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carter and daughters, Miss Teresa and Karen Carter, Mr. Dick Stanhope and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown from McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. John Alviso were phoned by Grant Reed from Co- lumbus, Ohio, where he and Bill Vannice had a flat tire on the truck and will probably have to stay a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blacl~burn were Sunday dinner guests at the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Blackburn in Portland. Mrs. E. Myrle Harris was vis- ited Friday by Mrs. S. Pender- graft and Mrs. Monty Fergus, Rhonda and the new baby. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ashdown had as Sunday dinner guests their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan By ORVAL COFFEY Farris Benton in Idanha where Lisa went fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christopher- son were visited over the week- end by their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wasson and family from Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dhainin were visited by their granddaughters for five days, Miss Sharon Cru- chelow of Portland and Miss Ter- ry Lynn Garner of Gresham. Wednesday the girls' mothers, Mrs. Harry Cruchelow and Mrs. Gene Garner called. Sunday Mr. i and Mrs. Loren Frazier visited. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doser drove to Seattle, Wash Friday to visit their son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Do- ser and family and brought their granddaughter, Miss Bonnie Do- set here to spend a few weeks. Mrs. Agnes Merrill and Merlin accompanied by Mrs. Ethel Scog- gun took a Sunday drive over to Hebo and back by Maguire Dam and up the Nestucca River. Mr. Leon Blanchard and Ricky Cottam and Mr. Monty Fergus and Darwin Fergus went on a father-son outing at Silver Creek Falls Friday and Saturday. New neigl~bors, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ferguson have moved into 699 Bridge St. Saturday evening, June 13 at 6:00 their son, Mr. Bill Ferguson was married to Miss Cindy Lee Bench of Carlton, in MeMinnville at the Church of the Latter Day Saints by Bishop Dodge. The couple plan to live in Carlton. Mrs. Unavee Jones is the new manager of the Antique Store THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 ~ THE DAYTON TRIBUNE, DAYTON, OREGON ~ PAGE 5 evening Mr. and Mrs. Plugge had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neigh in McMinnville. Monday evening they called on Mr. and Mrs. John Driskill. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hance were guests for a barbecue. iMr. and Mrs. Leonard Higgins were visited by his sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Everett and Mrs. Ruth Rassmusson from Aptos, Calif. They took them over to Wheeler Friday morning and re- turned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Estel Johnson and Mrs. Myrtle Blough were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bry- an in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Sherill of Martinsdale, Mis-I souri, attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Frazier's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. [Mrs. Grace Chambers accompa- E. M. Moore of Portland brought I nied them. them there deep freeze and they[ Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson went for a ride up Pea Vine went fishir~g for a week up the Road. Snake River in Idaho, and as for also attended a dinner in Mc- Minnville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sherrill, also present was Mrs. Giadys Sherrill. When they drove out here with Mr. Jess Sherril, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Sherrill traveled over 3,000 miles thru Calif Nevada, Colo- rado and here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hills a week ago Wednesday traveled down the coast thru the Red- woods thru California and into Mr. Heinz Mueller had a pieceas Farewell Bend in Oregon. of metal in the iris of his eye They caught lots of nice catfish and had to ~ear a patch for aand returned Monday. Mr. and lace Thomas in Hillsboro. They Jones. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. My- few days. He is all right now.Mrs. Anderson and family and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lein Mr. and Mrs. John Rainey of and daughter, Miss Darnelle ofPortland went fishing up at Broo- Salem were the guests of Mr. and ney Dam and caught one eight- Mrs. Mueller for an outdoor pounder. barbecue. Mr. and Mrs. John Driskill left Mr. and Mrs. Vern Prosser re- April 20th for a 4% month trip. turned Monday from a trip overThey drove to Lancaster, Calif the weekend to Central Oregon.and spent three weeks there with Their niece Mrs, C. A. Scharf their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. drove them down to Terrbonne E. Poulson. Then to Albuquerque, Junction to visit Mrs. Prosser's New Mexico, to see Mr. Chorlte brother, Mr. Louis Foster. Lembke. Mr. Driskill and he used Mr. and Mrs. Percy Miller wereto work together. Next to Trafal- visited Saturday by Mrs. Mary gar, Indiana, to visit his niece, Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips ~for ron Erickson called. Mr. and Mrs. Miller spent two days in Toledo at the home o~ their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenyon for the graduation of their grandson, Mr. John Kenyon Jr. Mrs. Edith Gram left May 26 on her way to Spokane, Wash and spent two days in Portland I Flanigan, Nevada, to visit friends, ~Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bonham. Then on to RenD, Nevada, to visit Mrs. Florence Bonham who is in the hospital with a broken hip. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitman were visited Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Frir day Mrs. Floyd Mock called after her illness. with her sister, Mrs. Helen Mar- tin and took the train so she was in Spokane for Memorial Day. She was visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs: Lewis Evans who is ill with a blood clot. Sunday she attended the graduation of her grandson, Mr. Steven Glen Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Gram spent three days out at Loon Lake where Mr. Evans caught lots of fish, rainbow trout and others. Mrs. Gram spent Fri- day in Portland and returned two days and visited his niece, Mrs. Edith Retz in Pershing, In- diana. They stayed for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jones in Farmland, Indiana, and visited all their friends and re- lations. They drove to Hamilton, Indiana, to call on her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Deke Fifer anal E1 Paso, Illinois to see his cousin, Mrs. Lillie Lett. On the way back they saw the Corn Palace in Mit- [chell, South Dakota and the I Badlands, the Black Hills and Mt. ~Rushmore National Monument. They came thru the ec~ge of YeN lowstone Natinal Park and re- turned home Saturday, June 13. ads offer values McCormick and three sons from and will be open every day ex-Mr. and Mrs. Perle Wright Saturday. The Portland. cept Monday from noon to 5:30.went fishing up at Crane Prairie Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bonneville *Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C. E. The store will be called Unavee's Dam where Mrs. Wright caught l celebrated their 16th wedding STEAK HOUSE Johnson were visited by her sis- Antiques. Mrs. Jones said she an 18% inch Rainbow Trout. anniversary Thursday, June llth ter, Mrs. Oscar Youngberg of needs antique dolls. They both caught several 25 in- witha dinner at the home of LAFAYETTE, OREGON Carlton and -her daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stebler went ches long. The weather was real their son, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allan Heidin from Dilly. Sunday to Pacific City Sunday to watch cold. They were gone eight days Bonneville in Dundee. sunday Delicious Steaks -- Family the Johnsons had dinner in Carl- the Dory Derby. to and drove down to Bend to visit two of their nieces called, Mr. Dinners Our Specialty n at tne nome or their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soley her uncle Mr Charles Wilson and Mrs. Albert Green of New- Prices to Fit Your Pocketbook ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Prit- are being visited by their son, before the'y came hom&. port brought their Son Allan chett and family and stopped in Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soley and Thursday evening Mr and Mrs.Green into the Portland Good OPEN 7 A TO 8 to visit Mr. and Mrs. John An- three children Rickv Ree~ ~n~ " M PM ' ~ ~ l~ zJ. tzoHeycanea On ms ne- ~amarltan zor operations con- ^ uerson, lvlonaa aIternoon her Cher~, T~o m~.~,~ : - ~ ." . ~ t;,osea ~onaays : ~. . ~ ~1 o, ,~-~vm~~ur pnew, Mr. and Mrs. r~ex ~naer- necting the nerves in nis leg, ~ster, ~vlr. ann l~lrs. J:'loyd owens Thailand June 29or30, andhas son and family in Bellvue Sun- ~--~ ~---~ -- -~ --~ called, to there h, ~,1, l~*h . . . [ "~lIllll]ilE~;lll~!g[l[~i'l I!lllHirllltilllllll.lllllIIlillli]llll;ililllll'.llllllillr.lrrrl ~!r[[~!~I~I~IiII~II~rII~iI~l~r~]~1$~]]~ii~h~dI~Nh~I~[~!tiI~II~[[~[f~r[~rr1~]]]]i1~i~HI~ Mis- --" -,- . - -~ ~.j ~o~-. day they mslted his nephew, Mr./ a : s ,asa ~noun anti her grand- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Plugge's and Mrs Ronald Watrus in Van- [ ~ lob 1-~ 2-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Am- brother Mr Warren Goodwin causer Wash I- O . - Homehte - Wade Ram mons spent the weekend with left for Lamont, Wash after two Mrs'Mary Jones is being vis- ~ ~a== - their daughter, Mr and ,Mrs. ,weeks vacation here. Saturday iced ~'y her sister, brother and[~ S and SERVICE granddaughter for a two week' ~ vacation. Mrs. Emma Boyer of ~ "" E O rNED SFORE SERVING YAMHILL CO. - Bus ness and "BI' ~ 'l Oregon City, Mrs. Jessie Green-[~ Professional ley of Portland, Mr. Les Briden- ~ PHONE McMINNVILLE 472-518~ - . ,~, ~l~#~l~j~, ~f stine of The Dalles and Mr. and[~ ~F [Mrs. Boyd Cooke from Seattle. [ CASCADE Tractor & Implement Co. i Mr. Nell Wise left Saturday by]~ =--= II Flrrlrrl ilrrr[ [~[II[IFFITFtHTtlIII/FIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lJIIIIII Iqlll rtlrrll/llllll i i Illlll ~ IIIII ll~ ~lllllil~l irhrrrr[Etrtirrllll [ HIGHWAY 99W at EVANS McMINNVILLE OREGON ', r~; ;', ;;[i i --[ -- J ] I Ii " I! :~ ~'! ' It ~ ]];]1: I !:J! I ii I 'I !:! :ii: i i !i[ r ' r]~ train from Portland for a visit at ~ "--,- - lVlOWer and Saw - THE SHOE RACK ~ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom "~''''"''"""~''~'~"'""''~""~"~`m"~''~"~"~'~'~""~'~"""''"''"""~'''H~m"~'~"'~'"m'~"'~*'''~'~`''~'~''m'r''''''''''t~"''~".''''''''''u'''""n~d~ Clinic - =;;:alLOt' t2' :n rofdT "oY2 o2222'h:: ' . 2. . . Over 1000 pmrs to chose from he a o an m e "~ COMPLETE SERVICE - -,",- h d t ch ge tr "ns and th n I dft~VO~i I !I/AID/#~/~Ill ~ IK.~t (Across from Block House) - - Men s, Women s children's - saw some beautiful scenery thru ~ ~1 ~ ~~--U.~UldlI~I~---~ ~.~H~I"~I~`'~rIIr"`~[A`~II~S~z~es~;~;~"~"~J'~ Gvl;:';:g N:;~:;alguePs~:kof MSrUnad:y Bacon F nds & Pieces . lb. 3Oc [I LandNornsSUrveyingjones ] II}r" J" L. McKinney] ' I OPTOMETRIST / [ REGISTERPED SURVEYOR [ Newberg, Oregon | Newberg, Ore. Ph'. 538-5516 L 1113 East Fifth ] Evenings by Appointment [ St. |602 First Street Ph. JE 8-2460 | ,~ Illlllllll;lll II 1 IJ II IIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllHlll[llilllll[~ First Federal Savings & Loan Association of McMinnville, Oregon Savings Accounts Insured to =-= == Prompt Repair & Service iRadi & TV Service PHONE 472-7913 - 911 N. 99W McMinnville ~, lllll~llflllllllllllll ]lllt~lll~lflfrIllllllllIlllllllllllfltlllllllitlllllllllllllllllll[ltn II'llllll:~- $15,000.00 I by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. Dividends Paid Semi-Annually [ Loans to buy or build your I Home L445 Third St. McMinnville Mrs. Everett Wise were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roseberry. After supper they all went crawfishing. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Wise visited friends, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Coppila in Warrenton. Tuesday Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Salter of Brookings came and spent six days here with his bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sal- ter. Friday morning the Dr. and Mrs. Salter took possession of a new car in Salem. They drove to Portland and Beaverton and the general area shopping and left to return .home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vaught were visited Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morris and Dan Morris from Corvallis. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Loren From Ryals Valley Acre Farm in Out'County LARGE AA EGGS dozen 72c gooHJy NDOG FOOD " 13 toO:! }i'?0 Imitation Maple :Flavor SYRUP . 33c IN THE FREEZER CASE REAL WHIP TOPPING 10~,-OZ. TUB .' 39c STANDARD 45 SIZE RIPE CANTALOUPE 5 for $1.00 NEW STORE HOURS -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LAFAYETTE I I |1