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Newspaper Archive of
Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
June 18, 1970     Dayton Tribune
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June 18, 1970
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PAGE 6 ~ THE DAYTON TRIBUNE, DAYTON, OREGON Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDF ORS In ~the Circuit Court of the State of .Oregon for Yamhill County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, has been appointed Executrix Of the last wiR and testament of ANNA C. BEACH, deceased, by the a~ove entitled Court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the under- signed at the office of James E. Craig, 330 N. Evans, McMinnvil,le, Oregon within six months from the first publication of this no- tice in the Dayton Tribune. Dated and first published June 4, 1970. Date of last publication June 25, :1970. IDA RUSHING Executrix JAM,ES E. CRAIG & K. D. BRAND Attorneys for said estate. 330 N. Evans McMinnville, Oregon CUSTOM TRACTOR work, plow- t n g, discing, mowing, 1 i g h t dozing, etc. Fred T. Bienz, Day- ton. Call 864-3368. 11c U-PIC~ STRAWBERRIES. Pat- terson Farms 864-2450. 25,26c LAW~ mower & garden tiller re- pairs. Reasonable rates. 864-2665 25-29p THRIFT SHOP now open. Used clthng odds, ends. 310 Ferry, Day. 25-29p For Sale MEDITERRANEAN CONSOLE PIANO, Like new, assume low mo. pyts. Phone 509-TE 8~1088 or write Piano Brokers, W. 908 Sprague, Spokane, Wn. 24,25c FOR SALE: 1952 Ford truck and camper. Good tires, runs good. 864-2179. 25c Business Opportunity BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Reliable person from this area to service and collect from auto- matic dispensers. No experience needed we establish accounts t for you. Car, references and $985.00 to $1785.00 cash capital necessary. 4 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly income. Full time more. For local inter- view, write, include telephone number, Eagle Industries, 3938 MeadoWbrook Road, St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426. 25p Card of Thanks We would like to express to the fire dept. our appreciation of their prompt and efficient hand- ling of the fire in our home. Dean Delaney family l Drive With Care Safety experts assert that rear- end collisions are the most sense- less cause of highway fatalities. Stay at least one car length behind the car in front of you for every i0 miles of speed. i' AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? i 4 :~. C. WADE MATTOX Phone 864-2213 t P. O. Box 98 -- THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 VI MATTOX Dayton, Oregon 97114 VULCANIZED REPAIR -- SERVICE TRUCK AVAILABLE Install Calcium lOc lb. !109 LAFAYETTE AVENUE PHONE 472-6946 County Schools To Receive Federal Funds-For ,Education Almost $3.5 million in federal funds were allocated to Oregon school districts and educational institutions last Friday by the Oregon Board of Education. In- cluded were $1,538,374 in funds for fiscal year 1970 and $l,957,269 in anticipated funds for FY 1971. Awardir~g o~ FY 1970 funds is the result of late funding deci- sions made by Congress and the necessary reallocation of unused funds from previous grants. New federal legislation permits school distriats "to use FY 1970 funds during FY 1971. Funds come from two differ- ents acts: National Defense Edu- cation Act (NDEA) and Elemen- tary and Secondary Education! Act (ESEA). School districts in Yamhill county receiving the money in- clude: McMinnville 13 (Adult Basic Education) Evening Classes in Conjunction with Migrant School ;5,800. NDEA Title III -- Instructional Materials and Equipment: Yam- hill County IED, Audio Visual $960; Amity 4J, Science, $512; Carlton El. 11, Science, $358; Dayton 8, History and Geogra- phy, $1,228; McMinnville 40, Reading, $1,720; Newberg 29J, Reading, $1,097. ESEA Title II -- Library Ma- terials: Amity $548; Carlton $200; Dayton, $851; McMinnville $3,037; Nevcberg $2,952; Sheridan $830; Willamina $815; Yamhill-Carlton UH $389; Yamhill $450. ESEA Title I--Migrant Educa- tion: Yamhill Co. IED, Program for Six Districts in the County $107,000. NDEA Title V-A -- Guidance, Counseling and Testing: (Su~bject to approval of claim due June 30, 1970) : Dayton, Counseling and Clerical $4,340; Sheridan, Counseling and Clerical $3,570. ESTHER RICE CIRCLE MEETS AT HOME OF MRS. GLEASON The Esther Rice Circle of the Pioneer Evangelical Church had their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Gladys Gleason. Nine members were present. Mrs. Cal- vin Armstrong was co-hostess. Mrs. Verna Hedgecoke from Lafayette gave the lesson on "I Am the Door." The hostesses served refreshments during the social hour. NORMAN RICHE ATTENDING NAVAL TRAINING CENTER Marine Private First Class Nor- man M. Riche, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Riche of Rt. 2, i Dayton, is attending Aviation Electrician's Mate School at Na- val Air Technical Training Cen- ter, Naval Air Station, Jackson- ville, Fla. DAYTON RESIDENTS EARN DEGREES' FROM OSU JUNE 13 Approximately 3200 degrees were conferred by Oregon State University a't its 101st commence- ment exercises Saturday, June 13 in Gill Coliseum. Those graduating from this area included: Julie M. Reid, Hu- manities and Social Sciences; La- Nita K. Smith, Science; Jacob S. Patterson, Business and Technol- ogy ;Thomas D. Erickson, For- estry. KENDALL REICHSTEINS VISIT PARENTS RECENTLY ~Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Reich- stein and daughter Annette re-~ cently moved from Salt Lake City and were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Reichstein for several weeks before locating in West Salem. He is now working" at the FAA radar site on Laurel Mountain near Falls City. Philip Reichstein flew to Salt Lake City to help his brother with the mov- ing. Prior to moving to Oregon, the Kendall Reichstein family spent two months in Oklahoma City, where he attended the FAA aca- TOP QUALITY etOW PRICES SERVICE demy. Mrs. Reichstein's father, Roberto Garcia-Bird of Fajardo, Puerto Rico, visited them there for two weeks, and they all spent a weekend in Dallas, Texas, with relatives of Mr. Garcia-Bird's late wife, Myrtle Miller Garcia-Bird. TRY OUR 25c COIN- OPERATED CAR WASH CHEVRON SERVICE AT ALL TIMES CHEVRON GASOLINE RPM MOTOR OIL Fuel Oil Delivered Any Time, Any Place Phone 864-2326 We Are As Close As Your Telephone We Give S&H Green Stamps HOWARD'S Chevron Station THIS AD GOOD FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 19 & 20 Bring Your Film To Us For Quality Processing and Receive A New Roll o/Film Free * KODACOLOR & B & W ONLY -- THRU 6-20-70 PACIFIC PEARL $1 00 TWO 4~-OZ. TINS LARGE 27-0Z. TRU-BLUE PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK 8-OZ. PKGS. -- EACH PENNYWlSE 12-OZ, I:XKG NEBERGALLS 1-LB. PKG LG. CRISP HEAD 2 HEADS U.S. NO. 1 10 LB. "BAG CRYSTAL WHITE LG. 48-OZ. BOTTLE LINDSAY RIPE--7~-OZ. CAN $100 i 3 FOR ,