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Newspaper Archive of
Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
July 30, 1981     Dayton Tribune
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July 30, 1981
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PAGE 4 -- THE DAYTON TRIBUNE -- DAYTON, OREGON -- THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1981 ommt~m~mle~mmmm~/t~mm For Sale , , Town and Country pole barns construction -- hay storage, equip, sheds, garages. Com- petitive prices. Call collect 357-4595 or 357-3709. 30-33c SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, TRUCKS -- Car, inv. value $2,143, sold for $100. For In- formation on purchasing similar bargains, call 602- 941-8014, ext. 319. Phone call refundable. 30-33c For Rent 1 bdrm. apt. for rent in Day- ton. 864-2485, 864-2020, 864- 3770. rtsc Help Wanted JOB INFORMATION Alaskan and overseas em- ployment. Great income po- tential. Call 602-941-8014, dept. 319. Phone call refund- able. 30-33c Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Coun- ty of Yamhill will hold a Request: An appeal to the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners of a de- cision by the Yamhill County Hearings Officer for a variance to the minimum lot size re- quirements to permit use of an existing two (2) acre parcel as a po- tential residential dwell- ing site in an area des- ignated "Agriculture/ Forestry Large Hold- ing" on the Compre- hensive Plan map and presently zoned "EF- 40". Location: Approximately two and one-half (21/2) miles Northeast of the City of Dayton, abut- ting the East side of a private road, one-tenth of a mile, north of the intersection of the pri- vate road and County Road #88 (Neck Rd), in the SE1/4 of Section 10, T4S-R3W, Tax Lot 4310- 1800. Applicant: Lynn Lorensen. Persons are hereby invited to attend the public hearing to observe the proceedings and to register any state- ments in person, by attorney or mail to assist the Board of Commissioners in making a decision. For additional in- formation please contact the County Department of Plan- ning and Development, Room 17, County Court- house, McMinnville, Oregon Pastor's Corner Dear Pastor Skip, I have heard people speak of the Comforter. Could you please give me a little bit of information about who He is and what He does? When Jesus was about to depart and return to heaven the disciples were concerned that they would be left alone. But Jesus told them that another comforter would come along to aid them, even the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17). The word comforter is a good trans- lation. The word literally means "one called along side." It comes from a word meaning one who comes along side with strength. The Holy Spirit is the Com- forter and His many sided ministries can be summed up in the phrase "one called in to stand by and give aid." In JOhn 14:16-17 the word another means another of the exact same kind. The Holy Spirit is a divine Pe.rson~ just as Jesus is, and has the same attributes and qualities. His ministries are many fold. I Corinthians 6:19 tells us that He personally indwells each believer. Our bodies are likened to the inner sanctuary of the temple of God. The great Comforter is always present because He has taken up permanent residence in our hearts to render help whenever we are in need of it. All we must do is trust Him for it. The Christian life is not one of self dependence, but of dependence on the Holy Spirit, to put sin out of ~:ur lives and produce His fruit in them. He does this as we desire Him, and trust Him. As we fulfill these two basic requirements we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Only then can He give us the aid and comfort that He came to render. If you have a question that you would like Pastor Skip to answer, please mail it to: Pastor's Corner First Baptist Church P.O. Box 176 f---Dayto-n- doings. ~..--] House guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Callahan were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Madson from Grandview, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duzan were hosts for a pot luck dinner Sunday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Duzan and family from Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Don Duzan from WoodenviUe, Wash., and Mr. and*" Mrs. Stanley Ingerburgsen from Eugene and Gordon Duzan from Dayton. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Veach from Portland and thef"~,- daughter Janis Eley and two children from Chicagb an,. Mr. and Mrs. Lester French from Corvallis. They all ~ l attended the Old Timers picnic. Mrs. Ruth Reeder and her friend, Mrs. Pearl Burks from TiUamook returned home last Saturday afternoon after spending two and a half weeks in Eugene and Corvallis visiting with their friend, Mrs. Leda Mathis, and some of the Reeder grandchildren in Eugene and with Mrs. Reeder's son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reeder in Corvallis. Mrs. Burks left for her home in TillamoOk with some friends last Sunday after lunch at the Old Timers picnic in the park. You con count :: ~ llC{[ You, hould be able to enjoy '.'our | VII II V~e home .w thout woro" Our "1 nik~ | Pacific/Reliance Special Homeown | ._../limit!elers Policy provides the protection | .... Your famih"s bekmminRsarea soautomat- | : ically protecttM as part of the package with | • Replacement Cost available! In addition, coverage is | • provided for personal liability and medical protection [ • should a vis~tor be in)ured on your l~roperty. Here is { • "peace of mind" in one low-cost package policy w~t h • convenient corerage options and limits to match| • your insurance needs. This is all backed up with a | • reputat ion for prompt, reliable eli,ms service that • [ides back more t hart 50 years. You ca n count on us' | For complete inlormation, ctmtact your nearh~ | independent L 'ntted l'ac~tic/Relianc¢ a~ent Ray Clevenger l' InsuranceAgencyl' 302 FERRY ST. DAYTON PHONE 864-2227 1 UNITED PAGIFIC/REUANCE m~IKNNIm4DgIB41,qlNI,ilN ~I.iIN~ NKIN WII~NUmM*,~,~ ~mi~ The response to the Salvation Army's summer camp fund from residents in the Dayton and Lafayette areas has been very generous, according to Florence Angel- elo, treasurer for the Dayton volunteers for the Salvation Army. The group wishes to express their appreciation to all those who made donations which were used to send children to the Salvation Army's summer camp program. Anyone wishing help through the Salvation Army may contact Mrs. Angelelo or Susana Garcia. public hearing Wednesday, (472-9371, ext. 450). Dayton, Oregon 97114 August 12, 1981, beginning Dated at McMinnville, .,,~¢)eo~o~o~c~t.t,~,J.ll>CJ~) at 10:O0A.M. inRooml05, OR, July21,1981. i I County Courthouse, Mc- Dave.,..o~ Women for Agriculture Mlnnvllle, Oregon, to con- Planning Director slderthefoilowing: produces slides on beans WEEKEND Docket: PV-550-81 DEAN "Everything you always wanted to know about green show which the Yamhill chapter of the Oregon Women { CORNETTIS ~ for Agriculture has produced. , {REPAIR ~:~, A copy of this slide show, actually called 'The Great [ Green, has been donated by the Yamhill chapter of I ltFAe,m mm I CARS, TRACTORS AND llc¢"Jl~'~ the OWA to Champoeg State Park for their visitors to { FARM MACHINERY ~ watch and enjoy. THIS AD GOOD FOR FRI. & SAT., July 31 & Aug. 1st { 8-6 Mon.-Fri., Sat. till 12 l~~ "This slide show and an Activity/Coloring book for ..... / 2nd generation in same ll~l~'~ children, also produced and donated by the Women for 10 Ibs. i / location - v - Agriculture, will help us explain the farming activities i ~__ t h__.e~~~.., which our visitors see,' explained Jeannette Gue, park iU,S" N0.1 Potatoes.. $1,39i historian. "The Great Green' slide show will be especially interesting to our many school groups. ' 12 OZ. Batter Fried , Groups interested in viewing this slide show or Gorton Fish Portions $1.56 touring the Visitor Center may call 678-1251 for further 14 oz. information, i I Hello world Banquet Cream Pies 75c Jon and Debra Helner of McMinnville announce the Frit0 Lay Doritoes $1.09 arrival of a son Shine Jon, July 4 at McMinnville Community Hospital. He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. and was Unsweetened,Assorted Flavors 21 inches long. Grandparents are Bill and Marie i K00I,AId .......... 6/78C i Hotchkiss of Dayton, Mr. W. L. West and Mrs. Mary E. Johnson of Billings, Mont. Great grandfather is Mr.! DoI Monte, 15~A-oz. l Warren Wells of Fowler, Kans. We'll cover it all.., for you, ((((~~}))) FirstState Really ,NO. CALL [503] 472-8411 or 838-7426 ¢and W=erh:;: n=ldi,~:t3;ith n~bl;:toYp~,OtiP:r© ha se farm, Natural Pineapple 2/$1.00 17 oz. Del Monte Peas ... 2/80c l i Hormel " i * Vienna Sausages ... 43c| BIG{ 48-.oz. Crystal White I i Liquid Detergent .. $Ii16| @Roll • • • ! Charmln Toilet Tissue 97cj i ,,... Jumbo Roll x ,v,va Towels ........ 63c ,o loz Cracker Jacks .. 6/$1.00! LARGE, |