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Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
August 28, 2003     Dayton Tribune
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August 28, 2003
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VOLUME 87 Photo Courtesy of Putt's Market NUMBER 26 DAYTONT OR 97114 CCC small business classes to be offered in Dayton The Chemeketa Small Business Development Center will offer a class: Start Smart, in Dayton on Thursday, Sept. 25. The class will be from 6 to 9 pm in the Dayton Fire hall, 408 Ferry Street. The Start Smart Class will cover basic start-up infor- mation about licenses, taxes, loans, incorporation, book- keeping, marketing and more. School officials said "This single source of information can save you hundreds of hours and help you eliminate costly mistakes before they happen." Instructor will be Tom Marks, Business Advisor, SBDC. Cost will be $15 (guest $10). For more informa- tion call 503-399-5088. OLCC releases annual Are you an agribusiness person interested in working to improve water quality and fish and wildlife habitats in the Yamhill River and Chehalem Creek watersheds? If so, consider applying to become a member of Yamhill Basin Council. The Yamhill Basin Council is a community organiza- tion made up of volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, including agriculture, forestry, environmental groups, small and large cities, counties, utilities, government agencies, small forest landowners, and watershed residents. funding to communities During the fiscal year 2002-03, the Oregon Liquor THURSDAY AUGUST 2812003 Control Commission allocated $5.76 million in liquor revenue to Benton, Liun, Marion, Polk and Yamhill rection to staff, and attend monthly meetings (2nd Thursday, 6-8 pm) at the McMinnviUe Water Reclamation Facility. As the Council already has a representative from the n sery industry, this slot is reserved for other types of agricultural operations. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Bash, Water- shed Coordinator via e-mail 0eff-ba h or by phone (503) 472-6403 for more information and an application. Applications are due by Friday, Sept. 26, 2003. The goal of the Council is to improve the heath flComing Eventsl the Yamhill River and Chehalem Creek watersheds by 1) counties and their 50 incorporated cities. In fiscal year 2002-03, yamhill county, popuhtion 87,500, received $254,291 for the year's totals! W re- ceived $12,856, Carlton $13,313; Dayton, $19,t25; Dundee, $23,697; Lafayette, $23,694; McMinnville, $242,410; Newberg, $161,193; Sheridan, $48,472; Wil- lamina, $15,983 and Yamhill, $7,014. Monday, Sept. 1 -- Labor Day. No school. Tuesday, Sept. 2 -- First day of school, all grades. No kindergarten. Wednesday, Sept. 3 -- Booster club meeting, Corn- I mons, 6:45pm. Thursday, Sept. 4 JH/HS picture day. HS, volley- --conducting community watershed restoration projects and : ball jamboree, home, 4 pm. HS, soccer at Santiam providing outreach and education to local residents. Lori Willcuts will give a free concert at the Dayton Christian, 4:15 pro. HS, JV football vs. Jefferson, Additional information on the Council is available at the City Park on Sept. 13 beginning at 5 pm. A Pie Social home, 5:30 pm. I YBC website,, will follow the concert. Donations of canned food for the Friday, Sept. 5 -- Kindergarten begins. HS, Candidates must operate within the Yamhill River or Dayton Community Food Pantry will be accepted. For vs. Regis, home, 7pro. Booster club BBQ, 4-9 pm ! :. " Chehalem Creek watersheds. Watershed council members more information call the Dayton First Baptist Church at Saturday, Sept. 6 -- HS, volleyball tournam at are expected to participate in Council projects, provide di, 503-864-2472 or 503-864-3521. Willamina. . I I II State releases student test scores Distribution of Students by Performance for Total Population Percent Distict School List Distict SChOOl USt DAYTON District: $D 8 2002-2003 0ist,kt: 0AYToN SD S MATH PROBLEM SOLVING == Select Test Subject== .- . o SCHOOL DISTRICT STATE School Name Grade 'Perfor~mance N ~Vo N % N % Sta0dards DAYTON HIGH 10 Does Not Yet Meet31 41 31 41 19808 50 [~AY'I'ON HIGH 10 ~ondltlonally Meet: ,[ 5 4 5 1153 3 DAYTON HIGH 10 Meets Standard 40 53 40 53 17133 44 DAYTON HIGH 10 Exceedl Standard 0 0 0 0 1251 3 * Five or fewer students not reported. Percent District: DAYTON SO 8 Meeting. or Exceeding by LEP . 2002-2003 MATH PROBLEM SOLVING t, Jl" Select Report Type -- -- Select Test Subject -- F SCHOOL DISTRICT ' ', School Namm ~rlde Standard N ~Ya N DAYTON HIGH 10 Meetl or Exceeds4 33 4 33 STATE N ~b 542 28 Meeting or Exceeding by Ethnic Category 2002-2003 MATH PROBLEM SOLVING SCHOOL School Name GradeEthnlclty N % DAYTON HIGH ' 10 American Indian * * DAYTON HIGH 10 Asian = ~ L ~r DAYTON HIGH 10 ~frican Amerlcar * * DAYTON HIGH 10 Hispanic 10 48 DAYTON HIGH 10 White 29 60 DAYTON HIGH 10 Multi-Ethnlc * Percent DilRrlct: DAYTON SD 8 School Name DAYTON HIGH Meeting or Exceeding by Special 2002-2003 MATH PROBLEM SOLVING DISTRICT N ~o STATE N o/Q 297 37 l 893 55 * * 253 27 10 45 1022' J 31 29 Eo 16~28 s3 * * 669 51 Education II I Select Report Type ~1, I.'r.-. s, st s,bj, SCHOOL DISTRICT P-reds Standard N /o N STATE N % N - The number of students, in a~glven category, who MEET or EXCEED the state standard," 10 Ne~ti or Exceeds * * * * 566 18 * Results for smell numbers of students are not reported. If the total number of students in any group is less than 10, an ast-;dsk is printed Instea~l of the number of students maeUng the standard. (Continued on page two)