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Dayton Tribune
Dayton, Oregon
August 28, 2003     Dayton Tribune
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August 28, 2003
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PAGE 2- THE DAYTON TRIBUNEI DAYTONI OR 97114 -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 2003 for s supplies scheduled McMenamins Hotel Oregon, 310 Evans St McMinnville will conduct at 50/50 Night Fundraiser to benefit the Salvation Army of Yamhill County on Mort- .day, Sept. 8. The fundraiser will raise funds for the Army's School Supply program to benefit needy Yamhill County school children. The fundraising event will take place from 5 pm to closing with 50% of all food and beverage sales during that time being contributed to The Salvation Army. Last year's event raised nearly $800 to help provide school mail it to: The Salvation Army, PO Box 765, supplies to children who needed the Army's help to begin McMinnville, OR 97128. For more information call The the school year with the tools they need to learn. "Salvation Army at (503) 472-1009. To serve as many Yamhill County children as possi- ble with limited resources, the Army asks staff from each school to identify those students most in need to be sure that each student receives what supplies they need Square dance lessons offered throughout the school year. Those wishing to help provide school supplies for The Braids & Braves Square Dance Club will offer needy Yamhill County school children are encouraged to square dance lessons at the McMinnville Senior Center. A attend the 50/50 night or bring new/unused school sup- free picnic will be held Sept. 8 at 6 pm, with a lesson plies to The Salvation Army, 1950 SW Second St from 7 to 8:30 pm. The first two lessons will be free. For McMinnville. more information call 503-583-1706. Those wishing to make a monetary contribution may Percent Meeting or Exceeding by Economic Disadvantage Distribution of Students by Performance for Total Population District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 MATH PROBLEM SOLVING I.- r'. SCHOOL DISTRICT School Name ~-rade Standard N q~ N ~o DAYTON HIGH 10 Meets or Exceeds* * = = STATE N % 2240 36 Distict School List District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 WRITING I== Select Report Type == ] = ffi Select Test Subject == : SCHOOL DISTRICT Performance School Name Gradl N % N % Standards DAYTON HIGH 10 Does Not Yet Meet 17 23 17 23 DAYTON HIGH 10 Conditionally Meets 15 20 15 20 DAYTON HIGH 10 Meets Standard 40 54 40 54 , DAYTON HIGH 10 Exceeds Standard 2 3 2 3 STATE N % 8549 22 9663 24 19121 48 N - The number of students, In given category, who MEET or EXCEED the state standard." 2233 6 Reaults for smell number= of students ere not reported. If the total number of students In any group Is less than 10, an asterisk is printed instead of the number of students meeting the standard. Percent Meeting or Exceeding by Gender =. Five or fewer students not reported. Percent Meeting or Exceeding by Gender Oistict School List OiMzict: DAYTON SO 8 2002-2003 ,MATH PROBLEM SOLVING SCHOOL School Name ;rade Gender N ~Yo DAYTON HIGH 10 Male 2056 DAYTON HIGH 10 Female 2462 I.t DISTRICT STATE N % N % 20 S6 9652 48 24 62 9796 S2 District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 I== Se!ect ReP rt TYPe ==~ WRITING p s ect TestSoo ect == SCHOOL DZSTRZCT STATE School Name Grlde Gender N % N % N % t DAYTON HIGH 10 Male 22 61 22 61 14502 72 DAYTON HIGH 10 Female 35 92 35 92 16371 85 Percent Meeting o# Exceeding by Ethnic Category Distict School List N == The number of students, In a given category, who MEET or EXCEED the state standard." Results for luneg numbers of students are not reported. If the total number of students In any group Is less than 5, an asterisk Is printed Instead of the number of students meeting the s~ndard. District: DAYTON SD 8 School Name =radl DAYTON HIGH 10 DAYTON HIGH 10 DAYTON HIGH 10 t DAYTON HIGH 10 DAYTON HIGH 10 DAYTON HIGH 10 2002-2003 WRITING I == Sele~ Rep rt Type ==~ I=ffi Select Test Subject ~=~ SCHOOL DZSTRZCT Ethnicity N % N% American Zndia~ * * ** Asian = * * African American= * Hispanic 11 52 11 52 White 42 88 42 88 Multi-Ethnic = * * STATE N o~ 578 66 1267 79 635 64 1692 52 25626 82 991 76 Percent Meeting or Exceeding by LEP Distict School LJst Service back then just seemed a little more personal. That kind of service isn't gone itrs just hard to come by in today's world of corporate mergers and profit margins. Friendly service used to be a way of life. at Macy & Son, it still is. oStablished 1903 MACY & S N, FuneralDirectors 135 North Evans McMinnville, Oregon 97128-4682 (503) 472-6151 FAX 472-3352 District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 ~ffi Select Report Type ==== I [ = = Select Test SubJect = = School Name ;rade WRITING SCHOOL OZSTRlrcT STATE Standard N o~ N % N % DAYTON HIGH 10 Meets or Exceeds* * * 771 35 Percent Meeting or Exceeding by Special Education District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 =- Select Report Type == " [-= Se,ect Test Subject -. WRITING SCHOOL DISTRICT STATE School Name =ride Standard N % N I % N % DAYTON HIGH 10 Meets or Exceedl* = * [ * 1136 34 Percent Meeting or Exceeding by Economic Disadvantage District: DAYTON SD 8 2002-2003 ~= Select Report Type == WRITING i-= se,ect Test So.ct SCHOOL DI$ KICT STATE Standard